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10 Ways to Support Your Neighborhood Canner


1. Keep bottles and cans accessible and safe to find. Leave cans and bottles in a separate bag or container, and place near your recycling bin in the same location every week. 2. During Covid-19, set aside potentially contaminated bottles and cans for at least 72 hours before placing out for collection 3. Share resources canners may be lacking, such as hand sanitizer and masks. 4. Help canners with outdoor access to soap and water for hand washing, and demand that redemption centers provide public hand washing stations on-site. 5. Get to know your neighborhood canner. Introduce yourself. 6. Acknowledge that canning is a job. 7. Stand up for canners on social media platforms like Reddit, Nextdoor and Facebook. 8. Advocate to keep public and private trash and recycling bins UNLOCKED. 9. Demand that government and institutions research the economic and environmental contribution canners provide to waste management. 10. Advocate for canners. Contact Governor Brown’s office at (503) 378-4582 and share your support for a Bottle Bill that recognizes and seeks input from all stakeholders, especially canners.

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